Heres what some of Sound Supreme's players are saying about our reeds.
"John's reeds have to be the best on the market. I use them in my solo's as do all of my students. They produce a bright, efficient sound that is easily balanced in every chanter I've tried. They have a piobaireachd G you could take a nap on, and they last longer than most. If you're looking for a reed that's brilliant on day one, look elsewhere. If you want a reed that's still brilliant on day 120, talk to John. You won't be disappointed. "
- P/M Alex Gandy
-2013 Open Piper of the day at Maxville Ontario
with 5 out of 6 firsts.
-2013 Overall Open Piper of the day at North Berwick and
Cowal Highland games and the Braemar Highland
Gathering in Scotland.

"Each of the reeds I ordered were well balanced, efficient, rich and vibrant. The strength I selected were ready to 'plug and play.' You can bet that I will be back for more, when the time comes."
- P/M Andrew Hayes
-1st place in the Open Jig at the Argyllshire Gathering
-2nd place in the Hornpipe/Jig at the Northern Meeting
-3rd place in the Masters Invitational Piobaireachd Competition at the National Piping Centre

"I have been playing John Elliott's "Sound Supreme" reeds over the last couple of years. They possess all the qualities I look for in a top notch reed....bright without being too high in pitch; stability; a spot on piobaireachd high 'g'; and, something that should put a smile on all pipers' faces.....they don't require a chanter to be excessively taped. They come in a variety of strengths. The medium strength reeds have worked brilliantly for me. I have also found that they adapt quite easily to several manufacturers' chanters."
- P/M Bob Worrall
World Renown Adjudicator,
Instructor and Recitalist